Latest Issue of the Haddonfield Rotary's Weekly Newsletter
Signing up for the District Conference?
Signing up for the District Conference?
February 9, 2025       
This week we'll have a Club Forum, with Steve Neuner on this year's District Conference in Cherry Hill -- May 2-4, 2025 at the Double Tree on Route 70.  It's more than a conference -- it's an opportunity to delve into the rich history, vibrant culture and innovative Rotary ideas that make our community thrive. For details visit
Help Break the Record!

Way to go! We are getting close to breaking last year's record sponsorships of TOPGOLF, so sign up soon! We also are seeking donations for Silent Auction Baskets for the event. Bring your donations to a meeting or contact Rosie Hymerling at .  Thank you, Rotarians, for your wonderful spirit of generosity!

TOPGOLF, our Club Foundation's biggest and best (and most fun) event of the year is on Sunday, February 23 from 4-7pm. Last year we had over 90 Rotarians, family members, and friends sign up for the event and we raised nearly $20,000 for scholarships and grants to nonprofit organizations locally, regionally, and around the world. 100 percent of all proceeds go directly to scholarships and grants to local and regional nonprofit organizations. The complete flyer with all levels of support can be found at  You can print it out and also sign up online at  

Event Sponsor
Gail and Doug Knight

Media Sponsor
Gumnut Group/Haddonfield Today

Platinum Sponsors
Mary Ann and Alan Bigelow
John C. Burmaster
Lorrie and Charles Hart
Debbie and Rich Hluchan
Carol and Dave Restrepo

Gold Sponsors
Rosie Hymerling
Deborah Krauss-Kelleher
Sharon Reel and Michael Peacock

Silver Sponsors
Compass Real Estate - Lori Cooper
Connor Strong & Buckalew - Jack Tarditi
Michael Gotwols
Karen Hagerman
William and Janet Lane
Jill Lawlor and Andy Field
John and Maureen Master
Andrew Mastro - Wrought Financial Planning
Drs. Mark Ruggerio and Vanessa Morenzi
Denise and Kirk Stuart
Thom Wagner

Bronze Sponsors
Susan Baltake
Mimi and Stephen Butler
Mary and Jeff Clark
Virginia DeLong
Kimberly Falls
Diana Flanagan
Ian Gallagher
Dylan Kaplan
Cheryl Laney
Patrick Linfors
Antoinette Parkinson
Nancy and Doug Rauschenberger
Rosalie Shapiro
Jason Shapiro - J2 Technology Solutions
Pamela DePompo Stalcup
Neal and Kathy Tully
Scholarship Deadline March 14
Each year our Club's Foundation provides financial assistance to deserving students with financial need in Camden County planning to further their education in a university, college, vocational or other setting, with particular consideration to students who demonstrate an understanding of the mission of Rotary International: providing service to others, promoting high ethical standards and advancing world understanding, good will and peace.
The application deadline is March 14.  Scholarships up to $2,000 will be awarded to high school seniors with excellence in academics and the arts, as well as students who plan on majoring in several specific areas outlined here:   All  winners are required to attend the Scholarship Dinner at Tavistock in May.  For more information contact Foundation Chair Denise C. Stuart at
Grant Applications Now Online

Over the past 24 years, The Rotary Club of Haddonfield Foundation has made a significant impact by supporting nonprofit organizations in our town, region and internationally.  Last year recipients included the Camden Schools Foundation, Cathedral Kitchen, Little Hands Little Feet, Prevent Child Abuse NJ, ShelterBox USA and The Tender.

All grant applicants must be 501(c)3s and support projects and programs that provide direct services to individuals and reflect the core mission of Rotary; have measurable outcomes, a plan for documenting results, and long-term sustainability; and have diversified income streams and demonstrate effective financial accountability.  Priority is given to those which focus on education and literacy, relief from poverty, disease prevention and treatment, and water and sanitation.

Applications can be downloaded from with a deadline of April 15.
Empty Your Closets to Help Vets

Throughout February, we will support by collecting men's and women's business apparel. Save a Suit is a national 501(c)3 top-rated on Charity Navigator.  They provide veterans and transitioning service members with business suits, professional attire, and other clothing resources. Save a Suit hosts pop-up events in the tri-state area so veterans in NY, NJ and CT can select the apparel they need.  Veterans from any U.S. state can also request business attire online and receive a package shipped to their home. Pamela and Brian Stalcup will deliver our contributions in March to the Save a Suit headquarters.  Thank you for your support.
Please bring the following to a February Rotary meeting, on hangers if available:  Men's suits, blazers, dress pants, shirts, ties and belts.  Women's suits, blouses, dress slacks, dresses, skirts and handbags.  Thank you for your support!
from David Hunter...

Bill Boyd, the Rotary International president during my year as president of the Rotary Club of Haddonfield (2006-07), had one of the best-ever themes for his year of service: "Lead the Way."

"We are the ones who ask, Why not us?" Boyd said in the president's message in the July 2006 issue of the Rotary magazine. "We are the ones with the skills and the desires to build a better future. And we are the ones who must Lead the Way."

In that message, Boyd also stressed the need to change and innovate: "In a world where so much is in flux and so little can be predicted with certainty, Rotary cannot afford complacency. Challenges are constant; so are opportunities. Today, we need every Rotarian more than ever, because in our diversity lies our strength."

A New Zealander known for his diplomacy and humble leadership style, Bill Boyd died on January 22, 2025, at age 91. 
From Pamela Fisk... on a Boat Somewhere in the World

"Greetings from Wellington, New Zealand! Have visited Hawaii, French Polynesia and now on our way to Australia. All is well."
Rotary Club of Haddonfield
P.O. Box 383 Haddonfield, NJ 08033
Doing Good and Having Fun Doing it!

With much appreciation to our late editor emeritus, Bill Reynolds.  

We meet Wednesdays 12:15-1:30pm (unless otherwise noted)
Tavistock Country Club, Tavistock Lane, Haddonfield NJ  08033

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