Latest Issue of the Haddonfield Rotary's Weekly Newsletter
Your Rotary News
Your Rotary News
September 15, 2024         
We have elected to reschedule the October Biergarten to Spring 2025, due to some townwide conflicts that would dilute attendance.  Stay tuned and please let fundraising chair Carla Cornick know that you would love to be on the organizing committee.  I mean, it's about social fun and beer and good food, after all... why wouldn't you want to be involved? 

Be thinking about who in your circle will buy our raffle tickets -- coming soon!

November 9 is our Bike Collection, behind Borough Hall from 9am-2pm.  Rain date is November 16.  Let Ian Gallagher know if you can help and what timeslot you would like.

Did you know?  The Haddonfield United Methodist Church has a collection box at the back of its building (near the entrance) for the Cherry Hill Food Pantry.

Most importantly, a big bravo to the picnic crew led by Anthony Bezich.  Thank you to the setup/breakdown helpers and to Assad and Sofia for a wonderfully delicious dinner.  It was a perfect night.

President Amy 
Six Pegs, a Desk, a Chair, a Bed -- and the Rotary Connection

What does this mean?  Find out on Wednesday when our speaker will be our own globe-trotting Pamela Fisk.
Yes, our annual Birdseed Fundraiser is now underway.  Click on this link -- or use QR code below (not to be confused with the QR code above for the picnic.

September 25: "State of the Borough" with Mayor Colleen Bianco Bezich, Esq.

This is a great opportunity to invite a guest.  While we offered guests free lunch in years past, we are returning  to pre-Covid ways where when you bring a guest/friend/colleague/prospective new member, you pay for your guest.

Donate Hygiene Wish List Items to Cathedral Kitchen

Throughout the month of September, our Club is collecting items for Cathedral Kitchen, currently serving 400 guests daily and more than 100,000 meals per year.  Wish list items are:
* Chapstick
* Feminine Hygiene Products (tampons, mini-pads, maxi-pads)
* travel sized Baby Wipes
* Wash Cloths
* small packets of tissues
* Hanes men's boxers S, M, L, XL
Donations may be brought to our last two September meetings.  As always, Pamela Stalcup is happy to take your financial contribution and shop on your behalf.
Rotary Club of Haddonfield
P.O. Box 383 Haddonfield, NJ 08033
Doing Good and Having Fun Doing it!

With much appreciation to our late editor emeritus, Bill Reynolds.  

We meet Wednesdays 12:15-1:30pm (unless otherwise noted)
Tavistock Country Club, Tavistock Lane, Haddonfield NJ  08033

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