2024 Rotary Foundation Scholarships

Anna Savranska

Chloe Kilkelly
Chloe Kilkelly was awarded the Joe Baltake Scholarship for the Written Arts. Her HMHS English teacher cited her writing skills as “insightful, skillfully written, and engaging.” As a sophomore she began to explore different writing genres and by summer 2022 enrolled in “Introduction to Journalism” at The School of the New York Times. The following winter she took a class called “Writing a TV Pilot” through the University of the Arts, learning about the many possibilities of writing and ways to connect herself and her work with the world. In addition to her academic strengths, Chloe has “impeccable integrity, a strong work ethic, a sly sense of humor and extraordinary kindness for her peers,” according to her English teacher, and “has wonderful potential as a thinker, a writer, and a human being.” She will be attending the University of Vermont in the fall to study English and Environmental Science.

Chloe Gwaku
Chloe is an Arts & Academics Scholarship recipient. She was Co-President of the HMHS Black Student Union, a member of the Best Buddies Club, and has participated in an important project preserving Haddonfield Black History. Her father’s journey as an immigrant from Zimbabwe, has inspired Chloe to explore ways that the U.S. can share its economic prowess on a global scale. Chloe has an extensive resume of extracurricular activities, community service, and athletics in high school. She is a well-respected member of the HMHS lacrosse team and is a dedicated student-athlete. She plans to attend Yale University to major in Economics.